Search Results for: murder
The view from the bridge
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View from Bridge 87
Still thinking about Dallas
[…] disinformation by omission. But the omission is only deliberate if Shenon and Sabato know the 1 ‘How the CIA came to doubt the official story of JFK’s murder’ at or . 2 John Newman’s very dry, analytical work on CIA documents, for example, in his Oswald and the CIA. At another level Chauncey Holt’s […]
View from Bridge 87
View from Bridge copy
[…] detailed account of those files at . 2 3 4 Yes, the son of Sidney. 5 See, for example, or 6 7 8 2 After the attempted murder of Alexei Navalny by the Russian state, it had an article headlined ‘Navalny poisoning: CIA, MI6, “discredited” state-funded Bellingcat play key role in accusing Russia’.9 *new* […]
Secret Science: A Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments by Ulf Schmidt
[PDF file]: […] MI6, and it seems likely he visited Porton Down. 3 The Dr Strangeloves of the Mind’, a review of H. P. Albarelli Jr’s A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, in Lobster 59, Summer 2010. Further, Sargant’s ward sister recalls him telling tales about ‘cloak-and-dagger exploits’. […]
View from Bridge copy
[…] detailed account of those files at . 2 3 4 Yes, the son of Sidney. 5 See, for example, or 6 7 8 2 After the attempted murder of Alexei Navalny by the Russian state, it had an article headlined ‘Navalny poisoning: CIA, MI6, “discredited” state-funded Bellingcat play key role in accusing Russia’.9 *new* […]
Julian Assange and the European Arrest Warrant
[PDF file]: […] if the trial was conducted by the book, he must have been.) The Swedish police are pretty dodgy, too; look at the mess they made over the murder of Olof Palme. (Don’t go by Kurt Wallander.) The police, press and politicians seem to be allowed to prejudice trials in advance. Again, Assange is an […]
Keir Starmer: The Biography by Tom Baldwin
[PDF file]: […] work related to Northern Ireland, where Starmer helped overturn Socialist Alternative, including Starmer’s contributions, can still be found online. 2 2 British soldier Lee Clegg’s conviction for murder. (Clegg and his fellow Paratroopers had shot up a car of joy-riders in West Belfast, an incident in which seventeen–year–old Martin Peake and eighteen–year–old Karen Reilly […]