Rothschild, the right, the far-right and the Fifth Man

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

We understand that Lord Rothschild was badly shaken last year by the many innuendoes linking him to the Cambridge spy ring of the 1930s. A typical example was Anthony Glees’ book on ‘British intelligence and Communist Subversion’: “Rothschild (was) remarkably intimate with people subsequently proven to be secret Communists, and Blunt was a major […]

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The ‘Rothschild connection’ the House of Rothschild and the invasion of Iraq

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: The ‘ Rothschild connection’ the House of Rothschild and the invasion of Iraq Will Banyan N ow that the tenth anniversary of 9/11 has been commemorated, Osama bin Laden is officially dead and the last US combat troops have been withdrawn from Iraq (though private military ‘contractors’ remain), an accounting of the ‘Global War […]

One Boggis-Rolfe or two?: Philby: The Hidden Years

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] demonstrated the need for social and political change in Britain. From 1963 onwards, after Blunt’s outing by Michael Straight, curiously coinciding with Philby’s by Flora Solomon and Rothschild, some members of the British upper classes knew of Blunt’s role and the subsequent offer of immunity. Though not, until much later, Wilson, the Labour Prime […]

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New Labour Notes

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] Mulgan. The conference, the Times told us, was held in ‘the Elizabethan splendour of Hartwell House in Buckinghamshire’. In The Sunday Times of 22 September 2002, ‘ Rothschild bankrolls Mandelson think tank’, we learned that Mandelson’s Policy Network is being funded by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, the multi-millionaire banker, apparently to the tune of […]

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Murdoch, Rothschild and the nuclear lobby

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: Murdoch, Rothschild and the nuclear lobby 1 Matthew Zarb-Cousin In his 1956 book The Power Elite, C. Wright Mills illustrated the way in which the elite work together, are interconnected – both socially and in business – and therefore take each other into account when they make decisions….. Rupert Murdoch and the financial sector […]

The Rhodes-Milner Group

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] this secret society Rhodes was to be leader; Stead, Brett (Lord Esher), and Milner were to form an executive committee; Arthur (Lord) Balfour, (Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild, Albert (Lord) Grey, and others were listed as potential members of a “Circle of Initiates”; while there was to be an outer circle known as the […]

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Late breaking news on Clay Shaw’s United Kingdom contacts

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] then, in the parlance of the homosexual world, become sisters.’ (Conspiracy of Silence, London, Grafton, 1986 p. 48). At the end of 1940 the lease that Lord Rothschild had on a three- story maisonette in Bentinck Street in London expired: Blunt moved in with Tessa Mayor (then Lord Rothschild’s secretary in MI5, later his […]

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Inside ‘Inside Intelligence’

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] that Oldfield turned in 1975 when he wanted to know if Wilson’s fears about an MI5 plot against him were true. The following year Wright indicated to Rothschild that he was putting a book together. (Pincher A Web of Deception p 128). The project was revived in June 1980, the same time Oldfield returned […]

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The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

Introduction Despite their reputation for ’empiricism’, British academics have tended to treat political power by means of abstract concepts rather than empirical information about the actions of determinate individuals and groups (e.g. Giddens, 1984, 1985; Scott, 1986). After a brief efflorescence of empirical studies of the so-called ‘Establishment’ in the early 1960s, sociologists in Britain […]

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The Syndicate

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] Government Nicholas Hagger New Alresford (Hampshire), John Hunt Publishing, 2004, pb, £11.99   Another massive reworking of the basic elements of the post-WW2 American-oriented global conspiracy theory: Rothschild, Quigley, Fabians, CFR, Bilderberg, Masons etc. Hagger makes much of Bilderberg (perhaps simply because there is so much material to use) and – his particular contribution […]

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