The SAS, their early days in Ireland and the Wilson Plot

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] destroy guerrilla bases;(5) and in Aden in 1967, where they dressed as Arabs and would use an Army officer to lure Arab gunmen into a trap and kill them.(6) To defeat the insurgents counter-terror must be deployed back at them – described by Ken Livingstone as ‘subverting the subverters’.(7) Little indication of this is […]

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The Ultranationalist Right in Turkey and the Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul II

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] exposed. Among the major controversies that are still raging, two that have particular importance are the interrelated questions of Agca’s organisational affiliations and motives for trying to kill the Pope. Since these are complicated subjects that cannot possibly be dealt with in their entirety here, (1) I will focus my attention on two narrower […]

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The CIA: A history of torture

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] covert war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Instead of committing ground troops, the Americans waged war through proxies, turning loose CIA-sponsored death squads to torture and kill in all these countries. In El Salvador, the death squads murdered the Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero on 24 March 1980 and then attacked mourners […]

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Plot elements in the Colosio Murder Mystery

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Six Anti-Narcotics police, including ALEJANDRO CASTANEDA ANDRADE, arrest JAVIER ARELLANO (alias ‘EL TIGRILLO’). Corrupt Judicial Police officers, working as bodyguards for the ARELLANO FELIX brothers, intervene and kill them. ‘El Tigrillo’ is freed. 22 March Chiapas peace negotiator Manuel Camacho Solis – after 18 days spent promoting himself as a PRI-ista alternative to Colosio […]

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Stalker, Conspiracy?

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

It is impossible to make an omlette without breaking eggs. — James Anderton on anti-terrorism My anger in this case stemmed from the denial that things had gone wrong, that no eggs were broken even though the omlette was there to see. — John Stalker David Murphy, The Stalker Affair and the Press, Unwin Hyman, […]

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Blood revenge: the aftermath of the assassination of Airey Neave

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] ‘handgun with a silencer.’ (Daily Telegraph 21 October 1980). Was it a 9 mm army issue with silencer of the type found to have been used to kill Miriam Daly? Bernadette McAliskey and her husband were shot at their home in the country on the evening of 16 January 1981. Three gunmen drove up […]

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Tolerated Crime and Tolerated Murder

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. On September 21, 1976, a sophisticated bomb killed former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier and an American friend while they were driving to work down Washington’s fashionable Embassy Row. Two weeks later, on October 6, a Cuban commercial airliner exploded in mid-air over the Caribbean, killing all 73 passengers … Read more

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Beware the proven lawyer!

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] of the summer with Oswald until he was forbidden to continue the friendship by his mother who was disturbed by Harvey saying, ‘Someday I am going to kill the President and that will show them.’ ‘At the time of the assassination Timmer was ill and staying at the New Haven Motel in Spokane, Washington. […]

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Who Owns Agca? Plots to Kill the Pope

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

The Time of The Assassins: The Inside Story of the Plot to Kill the Pope Claire Sterling, Angus and Robertson, London 1984 The Plot to Kill the Pope Paul B. Henze, Croom Helm, London 1984 These two books cover the same ground, more or less, and have the same thesis: the KGB used the […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Assassination or ‘targeted killings’? Joshua Raines of the University of Iowa College of Law argues that although assassination, ‘narrowly defined’ [sic], is illegal, ‘targeted killings’ could well be permissible under ‘just war’ criteria. The US should therefore pass legislation that allows for ‘…targeted killings under a very narrow range of circumstances with adequate checks built … Read more

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