Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££
[…] in this case stemmed from the denial that things had gone wrong, that no eggs were broken even though the omlette was there to see. — John Stalker David Murphy, The Stalker Affair and the Press, Unwin Hyman, 1991 John Stalker, Stalker, Penguin, 1988 Kevin Taylor, The Poisoned Tree, Pan, 1991. Peter Taylor, Stalker: […]
Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££
The Stalker Affair Frank Doherty (Mercier Press, Cork, Ireland, 1986) The Genesis of Revolution James Kelly (Kelly-Kane, Dublin,1976) Frank Doherty, whose reports in the Dublin Phoenix and the Belfast Sunday News have frequently featured in Lobster, has uncovered a fascinating mass of information relating to covert cross-border operations by the Ulster security forces, and […]
Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££
[…] What happened to this one? Did it get any reviews? It should have because the second half of it, an account of the state operation against John Stalker, is important. The first half, about Anderton, would be interesting if the subject were. To me he isn’t, he’s just an Old Testament puritan. Lots of […]
Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££
[…] have a witness, and evidence that these tactics were used in Northern Ireland during the mid-70’s. Here are the origins of the so-called ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy that John Stalker investigated. Covert operations began in Northern Ireland following the failure of internment to suppress the IRA. Psychological warfare, including the use of black propaganda, an integral […]
Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££
[…] studies regard motive as the central issue of this affair, and only three motives are worthy of serious examination. The official police view, supported by ex-police officer Stalker and Nick Davies, is that a burglar was disturbed by Hilda, and that as a consequence of tackling her intruder, she was abducted from her home, […]
Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] won an astonishing £40,000 in a libel case. Boothby claimed that the photograph was totally innocent and that there was no homosexual relationship. Deputy Chief Constable John Stalker is photographed at a party with Manchester businessman John Taylor. This is later used as part of the basis of an investigation into Stalker because it […]
Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££
[…] in my mind that the Royal Ulster Constabulary had a shoot-to-kill policy. That has been successfully covered up, but it came close to exposure when Mr. John Stalker was set to investigate it. When it became clear that he was not prepared to be corrupt and that he would not do a whitewash job […]
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££
[…] actually burned by MI5’s T-Branch because they opposed the strategy based on the RUC ‘inner force’ and CLMC that is exposed in Jonty Brown’s book.Thanks to the Stalker and Stephens Inquiries, most of the UDA leadership, including Tommy Lyttle, who was an RUC informant committed to preventing sectarian murders after all, had been imprisoned. […]
Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££
[…] wrong he had suffered, he wrote letters to the leader of the Opposition about his unjust treatment. He was then smeared again – this time as a stalker. Cohen makes a half-plausible case for Special Branch ‘taking a look at’ Henderson. It may be – just – arguable that a dozen, non-threatening letters(4) to […]