Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££
[…] orientation of that group, no one was surprised when they concluded that the CIA’s figures were too low. The ‘Team B’ estimate (little more than a crude fraud) then became ‘fact’ and the ‘dollar gap’ was born. The major mystery of this episode is not that the right-wing should attempt such a fraud, but […]
Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££
[…] heads are cheating?’, The Guardian 14 May 2002 and ‘Widespread cheating devalues school tests’, The Guardian 28 October 2002. One head teacher is to be charged with fraud. (The Guardian 9 November 2002). Targets unattainable? Lower the targets! ‘Significant changes are being made to national tests for 14 year-olds to make them more accessible […]
Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££
[…] Solicitor General. The Solicitor-General inter alia sought our views upon the possible effects of publication of the Report upon the forthcoming enquiry by officers of the Company Fraud Squad and upon any Criminal proceedings which may be instituted as a result of that enquiry. I was asked to provide a short advice in writing […]
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££
[…] this was the JFK case for the Internet generation. There are some obvious similarities; but there are obvious differences, too. For one thing, if this was a fraud, it is infinitely bigger than the killing of JFK. Kennedy was just a politician and killing politicians isn’t that unusual in American history. Another difference is […]
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££
[…] for a while so that they will lead the police to the bigger fish). The target is ‘economic crime’ (a wonderful return to Soviet terminology) such as fraud and tax evasion. Identity cards are thus much more about managing identity in the context of fraud (including benefit fraud) than about any threat from terror […]
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££
Paul Krugman London: Allen Lane, 2003, h/b, £18.99 I only caught up with this at Christmas. Krugman writes a column for the New York Times and this is a collection of those columns. Krugman is an academic economist at Princeton and saw pretty early that Enron and others similar were just frauds, and that … Read more
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] the companies will receive little more than a slap on the wrist and a request to say sorry.’ p. 95 ‘the ministry’s mechanisms for preventing and detecting fraud verge on an inducement to criminal activity.’ p. 172 ‘It is notable that while the DHSS set up a telephone hot-line in August 1996 to encourage […]
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££
[…] golf, and Peter Mandelson, the ‘online begetter’ of New Labour. Mills has suffered various public embarrassments since the mid-nineties, when his offices were raided by the Serious Fraud Office searching for papers relating to investigations by Italian magistrates into allegations of corrupt financial practices by Berlusconi. Mills had acted as Berlusconi’s lawyer in the […]
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££
[…] Alun Michael MP, a member of Labour Friends of Israel.’ Education, education, education If you know any teachers, you know that the NuLab education-raising-standards story is a fraud, that there has not been the continuous ‘raising of standards’ claimed by the government. What there has been is a stream of stories reporting that standards […]
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££
[…] a passenger jet crashed into the Pentagon: they think it was a jet fighter, a missile or a drone. From their position, this exhibition must be a fraud. But if it is a fraud, part of the wider 9/11 fraud, that is if the organisers of the exhibition knew that they did not identify […]