Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££
[…] but as usual it is just another red herring. There are many files available under the Freedom of Information Act in the US on Philby, Burgess and Maclean, (see, for example, Sunday Times 31 March 1985), and the top secret State Department decimal file for Albania 1948/9 is available for all to see in […]
Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££
[…] a Home Officer Minister, wrote of Bethell: ‘In my view the odds are a million to one against Bethell being a security risk in the sense that Maclean and Burgess and Philby were. But I think there may be a chance that he is a security risk in the sense that information, which he […]
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££
[…] to the SIS-front organisation, the Hakluyt Foundation. Baroness Smith has recently been appointed a director of the Hakluyt Foundation…… established in 1995 by the late Sir Fitzroy Maclean…… managing director, Christopher James…..Baroness Smith joins Sir Brian Cubbon, a former top civil servant, Lord Laing of Dunphail, Treasurer of the Conservative Party towards the end […]
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££
[…] who championed a strong state, had a life-long fascination with secret agents, assassins, revolutionaries and guerrilla fighters. From Sidney Reilly and T. E. Lawrence through to Fitzroy Maclean and Orde Wingate, Churchill enjoyed the company of such men, listening to their stories of secret operations, of murder and mayhem, and narrow escapes. Certainly this […]
Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££
[…] was imprisoned partly as a sop to the USA, who wanted the Foreign Office to make an example of someone in the aftermath of the Burgess and Maclean defection, and partly because Anthony Eden was convinced that Montagu had seduced his son whilst they were both at Eton. The book ends with Losey surveying […]
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££
[…] persistent men of British politics, Tam Dalyell and Sir Teddy Taylor. At some length in the House of Commons in May, they raised their concerns with David Maclean, the Home Office Minister. In the presence of Fletcher’s parents the Minister denounced the programme as ‘preposterous trash’. While it was also ‘obscene’, ‘offensive’, and ‘feverish’, […]
Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££
[…] 129) ‘Must have been clear to Hollis’ (p. 140) ‘Hollis would clearly have agreed (p. 144) The next chapter, ‘The Great Mole Hunt – From Burgess and Maclean to Spycatcher‘, turgidly regurgitates what has been written by other people about this area, and introduces nothing new of any substance. After 172 pages of non-starters […]
Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££
[…] 344) The late George Brown, we are told on p. 356, was a ‘CIA source’. On the down side there is another endless account of Burgess and Maclean, Philby, Bunt et al, in whom I was never very interested. It might be bulging with new information; I just don’t know (or care). There are […]