Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)

- South of the border -- Nick Must
- When freemasons ruled the earth? -- Simon Matthews
- Cummings, Greensill and all that -- Robin Ramsay
- Ian Cameron (obituary) -- Julius Hogben
- Suddenly in September? -- John Booth
- The view from the bridge -- Robin Ramsay
- Dark Quadrant: Organized Crime, Big Business, and the Corruption of American Democracy From Truman to Trump by Jonathan Marshall -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- In the Thick of It: The private diaries of a minister Alan Duncan -- reviewed by John Booth
- All In It Together: England in the early 21st Century by Alwyn Turner -- reviewed by Dan Atkinson
- Gone but not forgotten… (Donald Trump book reviews) -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn From Israel by David Rubin -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- John Stonehouse book reviews -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa by Susan Williams -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- The Blair Supremacy A study in the politics of Labour’s party management by Lewis Minkin -- reviewed by Colin Challen
- Labour, the anti-semitism crisis & the destroying of an MP by Lee Garratt -- reviewed by John Booth
- The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War by Craig Whitlock -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- Broken Heartlands: A Journey Through Labour’s Lost England by Sebastian Payne -- reviewed by John Booth