Shorts: James Rusbridger. Illuminati. Gordievsky. Cavendish

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

The usual suspects Fascinating piece by Paul Webster in the Guardian (1 February, 1994) about the Dreyfus Affair. He quotes a book by the French historian Jean Doise who has examined French Army documents from the time. Doise has discovered that the affair developed because of French secret service attempts to disinform the Germans about … Read more

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In camera injustice

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

Those who remember my case will be aware that in 1992/93 I was portrayed as a major KGB spy, featuring on the front pages of several national newspapers. My name later appeared in The Mitrokhin Archive, as did Melita Norwood – the ‘Granny Spy’ – but unlike her I have been largely ignored by those … Read more

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Cyberspace Wars: Microprocessing vs. Big Brother

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] intercity telephone cables. That was only a minor irritant compared to January 15, 1990, when half of the entire AT&T network crashed due to a single software bug. The technicians in the hardware lab where I worked used to kid the software engineers, saying that if civilization had developed the way programmers write programs, […]

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The covert origins of the Biafran War

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

Since 1988 a goodly slice of the Great and the Good of British civil, political and media society, from the current Prime Minister downwards, have been getting letters and press releases from Mr Harold Smith. Smith’s letters have served as a kind of substitute for the non-publication of his memoir Sons of Oxford. Commissioned in … Read more

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Secrecy and Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Robert Parry Arlington (VA): The Media Consortium, 2004; $22.95 (US); p/b Order from <>   This is the book I have enjoyed most since the last Lobster and it is one of the best books I have read on American politics and parapolitics. Robert Parry really is very good indeed: he has the serious investigative … Read more

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Election-rigging in the UK

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Colin Thompson was in his sixties, with bottle-bottomed glasses. He was carrying a laundry basket when we met, so he offered me his forefinger to shake instead of his hand. When I asked who he had voted for, Colin became visibly confused. It was just after 9 pm on 5 May 2005 and polling stations … Read more

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

Who was who? The newly published Oxford Dictionary of National Biography not only surveys the lives of the great and the good, but also includes accounts of individuals in the murkier fields of human endeavour. Over fifty spies are listed, for example, including historical figures such as ‘Parliament Joan’ (c1600-1655?) and ‘Pickle the Spy’ (c1725-1761). … Read more

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] and the Mirror and UPAL issue no. 9 see News Release, Sept./Nov. 1978. 3 ‘I Shall Be Released’. Anyone remember that one? Even Tom Robinson caught the bug. 4 There were other activist groups. I am writing only of those that I directly came to know most about. 5 RAP was founded in 1970. […]

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Lying about Iraq

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

NB This issue of Lobster went to the printer in late May. At that stage no Iraqi ‘weapons of mass destruction’ had been found by the ‘coalition’ forces. Before the furore over the British government’s ‘dodgy dossier’ in February, in truth I hadn’t been really paying much too attention to the then impending assault on … Read more

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Dean Andrews’ testimony to the Warren Commission

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

Dean Andrews’ testimony to the Warren Commission The strangest thing about Jim Garrison’s recent book on his investigation of the assassination is the fact that he never mentions Clay Shaw’s homosexuality. This is about par for the course, for the number of gay men in and around the assassination — Shaw, David Ferrie, J. Edgar … Read more

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