Search Results for: murder
The Spy Who Would be Tzar: The Mystery of Michal Goleniewski and the Far-Right Underground by Kevin Coogan
Parish Notices
[PDF file]: […] the time.) Having worked on this issue for a long time, it’s hard for me to see it; but from Anthony Frewin’s essay on the Frank Olsen murder of the 1950s, through Simon Matthews’ piece on the US involvement in the ‘pirate’ radio stations of the 1960s, Robert Henderson’s piece on Enron accounting, John […]
The News Machine: Hacking,The Untold Story by James Hanning with Glenn Mulcaire
Deaths in Parliament: a legend re-examined
[PDF file]: […] prompt me to take a proper look at a historical mystery invoked by Masood’s onslaught. Since he plainly intended to invade the House of Commons, presumably to murder as many people as possible once inside, the question arises of how deaths in Parliament are handled. There has been a rumour for many years that […]
Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn From Israel by David Rubin
[PDF file]: […] well-respected Reverend Franklin Graham’, who made clear Islam was ‘an evil and wicked religion True Islam cannot be practiced in this country’, not least because ‘You cannot murder your children’. What is new in this volume, however, is that Rubin broadens his attack to embrace the ‘Left’, a category that includes the Democratic Party. […]