
Lobster Issue

[…] or celebrities: i.e. no recognisable brand. As importantly, backed by the rise of South America, it gives global Christianity an economic and political power base that challenges murder emanating from minute pockets of some Muslim communities – while accelerating and embracing dialogue with Islam in general whose only figureheads in the West happen to […]

A Memoir of Injustice by Jerry Ray

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the patsy in Memphis. It may illustrate certain peripheral items, such as Ray’s experience of the judicial system, but brother Jerry knows no more about the actual murder conspiracy than we do. The only thought the book provoked in me, reading once again about the mysterious ‘Raoul’ who financed James Earl Ray’s travels around […]

Deaths in Parliament: a legend re-examined

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] prompt me to take a proper look at a historical mystery invoked by Masood’s onslaught. Since he plainly intended to invade the House of Commons, presumably to murder as many people as possible once inside, the question arises of how deaths in Parliament are handled. There has been a rumour for many years that […]

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