Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] they might make, would not be believed. Both men were approached and asked to carry out unlawful tasks. Holroyd was given an unattributable weapon by WO2 Eric Hollis, Intelligence Collator at HQ 3 Brigade and asked to plant it on a victim. In fact he handed it to the RUC Special Branch. Wallace was […]

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Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico: new leads

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] following up the revelations of Anatoli Golitsyn, informed MI5 that Harold Wilson, then leader of the Labour Party, was a spy. After a few enquiries Sir Roger Hollis, MI5’s boss, told John McCone, then head of the CIA, ‘There is nothing in it’. In 1964 Angleton returned to the subject and said that he […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] Many of the entries have made use of probate records to estimate ‘wealth at death’. At today’s monetary values, A. K Chesterton left approximately £16,000, Sir Roger Hollis £258,633 and Sir Maurice Oldfield £266,951. But the winner from this, admittedly random, selection has to be Anthony Blunt with an estate of £1,704,445. For further […]

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The Clandestine Caucus

Lobster Issue Clandestine Caucus (1996)
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[PDF file]: […] just be a notepaper job. Nonetheless, some of the ‘advisory body’ were people with rather specialised interests. For example, at one point the name of General Leslie Hollis appeared on it. Hollis had been the Secretary of the Chiefs of Staff committee which ‘ . . . considered, with Sir Stewart Menzies, the head […]

TO CATCH A SPY: How the Spycatcher Affair Brought MI5 in from the Cold by Tim Tate

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] been considered.) Wright had been appointed to a committee which investigated the putative Soviet ‘moles’ and he came to believe that the ‘mole’ was MI5 chief Roger Hollis. He did his best to get the system to deal with this, was rebuffed and retired to Australia. There he continued trying to get serious attention […]

Wilson, MI5 and the rise of Thatcher

Lobster Issue 11 (April 1986) £££
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[PDF file]: […] Leigh (Observer 15 September 1985) has hinted that among those involved was Peter Wright, one of the leading figures in the campaign against former MI5 head Roger Hollis. Wright is obviously one of Pincher’s major sources for his last two or three books. Who else is in this group of MI5/ex MI5 who organised […]

Lee Harvey Oswald’s address book: a follow-up note

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] an entry in Oswald’s address book about the far right. 1 Oswald wrote: NAT. SEC. DAN BURROS LINCOLN ROCKWELL ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA AMERICAN NAZI PARTY (AMER. NATIONAL PARTY) Hollis sec. of Queens N.Y. (NEWSPAPER) NAT. Socialist Bulletin. Frewin cites an appendix in my book Dreamer of the Day showing that Oswald clearly derived his information […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Assange by some of the Guardian’s journalists.19 But the material is all worthwhile – even the page in which Robin Whittaker presents Chapman Pincher’s case that Roger Hollis was a Soviet agent. I don’t agree with the thesis but it is interesting to meet it again. On the down side, there’s a jokey tone […]

View from Lob 73

Lobster Issue

[…] Assange by some of the Guardian’s journalists.19 But the material is all worthwhile – even the page in which Robin Whittaker presents Chapman Pincher’s case that Roger Hollis was a Soviet agent. I don’t agree with the thesis but it is interesting to meet it again. On the down side, there’s a jokey tone […]

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