The accountability of the intelligence and security services

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] loyalist place men and women. The committee has never taken up the wide range of issues raised by former intelligence operatives such as David Shayler and Richard Tomlinson, seemingly on the basis that it does not want to encourage whistleblowers, when it is precisely these whistle-blowers who have done the most to expose wrongdoing. […]

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Tell me lies

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] programme about British intelligence in the light of the Iraq experience. He was an intelligent man but knew little about the subject: he hadn’t heard of Richard Tomlinson or Menwith Hill. Yet he was to start filming a couple of weeks after talking to me. He will do a competent job but he will […]

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Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and the War on Terrorism

Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] the nether regions. The fact that the Intelligence and Security Committee of the House of Commons has never taken written or oral statements from Shayler or Richard Tomlinson, the most important insider sources on our spooks in the post-war period, shows precisely how little independence the committee actually has. (2) As it was in […]

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Eye Spy!

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] about so-called ‘secret’ archives and spy expulsions. ‘Many in Britain sympathise with MI6’ we are told, ‘saying that they have no option but to try and silence Tomlinson……’ Oh yeah? Who are these many? In what poll? What was the question? Stumbling on, this EYE avows that ‘Animal Activists Aim to Kill!’ and ‘Managing […]

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An accidental tourist? A British connection to the death of Otto Warmbier

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] some of whom, following their regular service, can be found in the small permanent staff of the Territorial Army special forces regiments. 13 The ‘rogue spy’ Richard Tomlinson passed selection for 21 SAS before he was recruited to MI6 (his account of this process forms a large chunk of Chapter 2 of The Big […]

Keir Starmer: The Biography by Tom Baldwin

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] taken concrete steps to increase their severity’; of how ‘Starmer’s CPS was singularly responsible for seven year confinement in the Ecuadorian Embassy’; of how, in the Ian Tomlinson case,5 Starmer was guilty of ‘dragging his heels over the investigations, finding arbitrary reasons to forego prosecution, refusing to challenge the Met’s falsehoods’ and so on […]

Newsinger on Strarmer

Lobster Issue

[…] taken concrete steps to increase their severity’; of how ‘Starmer’s CPS was singularly responsible for seven year confinement in the Ecuadorian Embassy’; of how, in the Ian Tomlinson case,5 Starmer was guilty of ‘dragging his heels over the investigations, finding arbitrary reasons to forego prosecution, refusing to challenge the Met’s falsehoods’ and so on […]

Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Mail reported that during the interrogation Piro came to understand that ‘Saddam’s claim to possess WMD was a bluff . . . he had lied to Hugh Tomlinson, ‘Bin Laden? Never trust a man with a beard like that, Saddam Hussein told FBI’, The Times, 15 March 2023. 33 Christian Oliver, ‘Saddam Hussein said […]

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