Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: The writer with no hands Matthew Alford www.amazon.co.uk/Writer-No-Hands-MatthewAlford/dp/1530122651 Alford completed a PhD, which became the book Reel Power: Hollywood Cinema and American Supremacy (London: Pluto, 2010). His central thesis of that is that large budget, mainstream American movies, ‘….almost always express the notion that in its foreign policy, the endless wars in which it engages, […]
Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012)
[PDF file]: […] tax farming which is now beginning as what’s left of the state is divvied-up among James Kirkup, ‘Britain had to plead with US to take part in Iran flotilla’, Daily Telegraph 06 Feb 2012. 22 Alan Travis, ‘Thatcher went behind cabinet’s back with Trident purchase’ The Guardian, 30 December 2011. 23 See Martin Beckford, […]
Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020)
[PDF file]: […] set on the Finnish front in the 40s. See the page ‘Tex Sallee and the Reynolds Chinese Expedition’ at or 6 1967. Reynold’s B-26 ended up in Iran in the mid 70s, where it was impounded after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Much of the above is culled from the internet, and the internet […]
Lobster Issue 11 (April 1986) £££
[PDF file]: […] worked there before he went into intelligence, as had Kermit Roosevelt’s grandfather. (5) (Kermit Roosevelt, who is perhaps best known for his role in the coup in Iran) went round America’s largest corporations asking, “Are you patriotic?”, raising money for the CIA front companies and securing the use of their trusts and foundations. (6) […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] the Saudis. AlQaeda’s atrocities were deliberately intended to provoke sectarian civil war, a methodology that is continued by Islamic State today. This inaugurated the proxy war with Iran that the Saudis have been waging in Iraq and later in Syria ever since. The extent to which the United States has found itself caught in […]