Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018)

- Deep Kiss: How the Washington Post missed the biggest Watergate story of all -- Garrick Alder
- Using the UK FOIA, part II -- Nick Must
- Hugh who? (Hugh Mooney) -- Robin Ramsay
- Hilda Murrell and the FOIA -- Nick Must
- South of the Border -- Nick Must
- Back to the future (again) -- Simon Matthews
- Anna Raccoon and the dawn of Savilisation -- Andrew Rosthorn
- The view from the bridge -- Robin Ramsay
- Still thinking about Dallas -- Robin Ramsay
- The Darkest Sides of Politics I & II by Jeffrey M Bale -- reviewed by Robin Ramsay
- What Did You Do During the War? The Last Throes of the British Pro-Nazi Right, 1940-45 by Richard Griffiths -- reviewed by David Sivier
- My Life, Our Times by Gordon Brown -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- Marketing the Third Reich: Persuasion, Packaging and Propaganda by Nicholas O’Shaughnessy -- reviewed by Colin Challen
- Unwinnable: Britain’s War in Afghanistan, 2001-2014 by Theo Farrell -- reviewed by John Newsinger
- Farming, Fascism and Ecology: A Life of Jorian Jenks by Philip M. Coupland -- reviewed by David Sivier
- Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation by Liz Featherstone -- reviewed by Colin Challen