Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££
[…] This he clearly succeeds in doing – at least in his own terms. It is essentially a moral tale. From the days of Boston Mayor ‘Honey Fitz’ Kennedy onward, the Kennedys are presented as virtually a paradigm case of routine corruption in US public life. There is much interesting material on Fitz and Bootlegger […]
Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££
[…] you’.) RR 1. Stephen Dorril Mark Lane, Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK?, Plexus, 1992. Jim Marrs, Crossfire; The Plot that Killed Kennedy, Carroll & Graf, 1992. David E. Scheim, The Mafia Killed President Kennedy, Virgin, 1992. Anthony Summers, Conspiracy, Sphere, 1992. The release of the Oliver Stone film […]
Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££
[…] undisclosed department of the Security Services. They had been contacts for the deceased, Maria Novotny, who made headlines in the sixties through her ‘relationship’ with President John Kennedy, and her involvement in the Profumo affair. Novotny’s own accounts of the two episodes have tended to be dismissed, and reasonably so, as they appeared in […]
Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££
Publications The Kennedys: An American Drama Peter Collier and David Horowitz (Pan Books, London 1985) JFK:The Presidency of John F. Kennedy Herbert S. Parmet (Penguin Books, London 1984) Kennedy assassination buffs – and I confess to being one in a very small way – can’t resist books about the Kennedys even when they suspect […]
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££
1: The Investigatory Powers Tribunal Malcolm Kennedy (1) complained to the recently established Investigatory Powers Tribunal because he believes his telecommunications are being monitored and interfered with, and his persistent attempts to seek answers have led to brick walls and confusion. His case is currently proceeding. (2) But concerns have already been raised about […]
Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££
[…] of Lane, Garrison and Summers (admittedly their versions of the story are rather different) fingers the CIA. (2) DiEugenio backs the second group. Briefly, he maintains that Kennedy was the victim of a plot hatched in the Western Hemisphere division of the CIA. Here, a group of hardened cold warriors and anti-Castro Cuban emigres […]
Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££
[…] to the crime. But practically the entire U.S. establishment took part in the cover-up: national and local government agencies, the mass media, the political system, and the Kennedy family and its political allies — all played a part in foisting the Warren Commission report onto the U.S. public. Each had good reasons for welcoming […]
Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££
[…] New Orleans States-Item newspaper discovered that Jim Garrison, District Attorney of New Orleans, had spent more than $8,000 on his own investigation of the assassination of John Kennedy. (The story appeared on the front page on February 20th.) Two weeks later the DA’s office announced the arrest of Clay Shaw, a wealthy New Orleans […]
Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££
Some recent JFK literature In front of me is a copy of Guth and Wrone’s The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Comprehensive Historical and Legal Bibliography 1983-1979 (1980), nearly 450 pages, running to some 5,134 entries covering books, magazine articles, records, TV programmes, and news items from both the New York Times and […]
Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££
[…] to add further weight to the notion that the Mob shot JFK — essentially to turn off Bobby Kennedy’s ‘war on crime’. Except…. the problem with the Kennedy story is distinguishing between myth and reality. Was there actually such a ‘war’? Given old Joe Kennedy’s relationship with various Mob figures, I have often found […]